"Free Love Freeway" is a song written by Ricky Gervais, who starred as David Brent in the British comedy series The Office. Gervais first performed the song as Brent in Series 1, Episode 4 (titled "Training") of the show. During an employee training seminar, Brent's singing/songwriting in rock band Foregone Conclusion years ago becomes the focus of attention. Brent brings in his guitar to sing several songs, which were actually written by Gervais, including "Free Love Freeway". The sing-a-long became one of the most popular scenes from the show.
In 2004, Noel Gallagher, the former lead songwriter and guitarist for the rock group Oasis, recorded the song with Gervais in a professional studio. The new full band recording, which has an added verse, is available as a special feature of the Christmas Special DVD of The Office. A longer, one take version of the song is also available as an easter egg on the series one DVD. Gervais and Mackenzie Crook (as Gareth Keenan) subsequently performed the song at the Concert for Diana at Wembley Stadium in 2007.